标题: [CFA Level 2] 二级: 计算mean-reversion的时候,如果b1是绝对值大于1的,怎么办? [打印本页]
作者: hehanz 时间: 2010-6-4 01:36 标题: 二级: 计算mean-reversion的时候,如果b1是绝对值大于1的,怎么办?
作者: forwhat 时间: 2010-6-4 06:25
if the b1>1, the formula won't be a mean-reversion expression which means it's not a stable situation. no reverting anymore under such condition.
作者: hehanz 时间: 2010-6-4 08:53
作者: forwhat 时间: 2010-6-4 12:22
no no, you misunderstand my explanation. When b_0>1, the equation/formula won't be a mean-reversion one. Reverting doesn't exist under such condition.
作者: hehanz 时间: 2010-6-4 12:47
我的意思是,书上没提过b1>1时是什么情况.那么如果出一道题,比如y(t)=2+5*y(t-1)+e,问是不是有unit root,或者是不是convariance stationary,怎么回答?因为我们只会处理0<b1<1的情况.
作者: forwhat 时间: 2010-6-4 13:19
when b_1>1, the time series will be an exponentially increasing sequence and for sure it won't have unit root and people call it non-stationary.
作者: legendz 时间: 2010-6-4 16:30
作者: jellyfsh_1 时间: 2010-6-4 16:58
考试的时候 不会问你B>1是什么情况的。 书上都没讲,如果考试出来得话,不就是自己打自己嘴巴吗。
应该记住的。只有B<1,才有mean reverting,或者用DF test是,H0: g=0, H1:g<0.
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