标题: 關於考試計算機 [打印本页]
作者: sherryzheng85 时间: 2010-11-22 09:25 标题: 關於考試計算機
作者: ellenwang_wwj 时间: 2010-11-22 09:38
请看cfa book1 p95-96的一段问,摘录如下供参考:
It is very important that you be able to use a financial calculator when working TVM problems because the exam is constructed under the assumption that candidates have the ability to do so. There is simply no other way that you will have time to solve TVM problems. CFA Institute allows only two types of calculators to be used for the exam--the TI BAII Plus(including the BAII Plus Professional) and the HP 12C(including the HP 12C Platinum). This topic review is written primarily with the TI BAII Plus in mind. If you don't already own a calculator, go out and buy a TI BAII Plus! However, if you already own the HP12C and are comfortable with it, by all means continue to use it.
我有一个问题:两个计算机都是casio的,型号分别是fx-82TL和fx-991ES, 我在澳洲读金融课程和考试的时候这两款计算机都能用的,不知道cfa考试能不能用,请教一下各位了,谢谢!
作者: zhouhuarui 时间: 2010-11-22 09:53
好象就两款吧,一款德州仪器的一款惠普的,前者好象还有专业版和一般的版本,淘宝上就有,搜索 CFA计算器就可以了
作者: sherryzheng85 时间: 2010-11-22 11:19
作者: zhou1031 时间: 2010-11-23 19:32
按要求两选一吧 最多三选一 不然看书也痛苦
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