标题: How do Bands work? [打印本页] 作者: mdfb79 时间: 2011-7-11 15:22 标题: How do Bands work?
How do the Bands work? Also, if you scored between 50 and 70% on a section, does that refer to your actual score or your percentile ranking compared to peers?作者: ayaz_mahmud369 时间: 2011-7-11 15:22
Umekichi Wrote:
> They ranked all candidates who failed. The top 10%
> is "band 10", the next 10% is "band 9"... However,
> "band 10" could also means someone who marginally
> pass but failed the ethics section.
> 50-70% refers to your actual score, not percentile
So if you marginally passed but failed the ethics section they could still fail you?!作者: senlinlang 时间: 2011-7-11 15:22
Let's rephrase "marginally passed" to "borderline".作者: yospaghetti 时间: 2011-7-11 15:22
so wat do people generally say is a good score..?? a 70??作者: spreads 时间: 2011-7-11 15:22
They ranked all candidates who failed. The top 10% is "band 10", the next 10% is "band 9"... However, "band 10" could also means someone who marginally pass but failed the ethics section.
50-70% refers to your actual score, not percentile