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标题: core-satellite portfolio is any combo with index? [打印本页]

作者: Carson    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21     标题: core-satellite portfolio is any combo with index?

From the Mock, it seems like you can have 4 different funds and as long as just ONE of them has an allocation to a fund with 0 tracking risk (Even if it is a 1% allocation), it counts as a core-satellite approach.

Ex) Portfolio totals 100% allocated between 4 funds, is this considered core satellite?

Fund 1- 50% Tracking risk= 3%
Fund 2- 30%Tracking risk= 6%
Fund 3- 19%Tracking risk= 9%
Fund 4- 1% Tracking risk= 0%

This is considered a core-satellite portfolio right? Pretty weak question if you ask me.
作者: Analyze_This    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

SkipE99 Wrote:
> From the Mock, it seems like you can have 4
> different funds and as long as just ONE of them
> has an allocation to a fund with 0 tracking risk
> (Even if it is a 1% allocation), it counts as a
> core-satellite approach.
> Ex) Portfolio totals 100% allocated between 4
> funds, is this considered core satellite?
> Fund 1- 50% Tracking risk= 3%
> Fund 2- 30%Tracking risk= 6%
> Fund 3- 19%Tracking risk= 9%
> Fund 4- 1% Tracking risk= 0%
> This is considered a core-satellite portfolio
> right? Pretty weak question if you ask me.

b b b b ut that the very def of the core satellite strat

one portfolio with zero tracking risk acts as the core
and the others are satellitles actively managed
作者: nannan66    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

"satellite (stl-t)
1. A small body in orbit around a larger body."

Im just sayin.....
作者: oneboy    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

will you sing dave matthews to me now skipE? also, hit me with an email offline- mine at g to the mail if you wouldn't mind.
作者: lcw77    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

How can something be CORE at only a 1% weighting??

Terrible question.
作者: Zestt    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

From my practice questions & vague memory I always understood that core is the index and enhance index strategies..... and the satalites are the active managers.

Anyone care to confirm this??
作者: IAmNeil    时间: 2011-7-11 19:21

Soccertom9 Wrote:
> From my practice questions & vague memory I always
> understood that core is the index and enhance
> index strategies..... and the satalites are the
> active managers.
> Anyone care to confirm this??

That is correct. I don't believe it gives a hard percentage of what amout should constitue the core. The 2011 Mock had a small core amount of only 20%. I'm going to go with the thinking that 20% is the mimimum amount.

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