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标题: PAC Tranches [打印本页]

作者: dirk01    时间: 2011-7-11 19:32     标题: PAC Tranches

A little confused how these operate. Assume the example in the book PSA 90-300.

If the actual prepayment is inside the collar, say PSA 200, how much does the PAC participant receive -- the minimum amount (90 or 300), or 200?

Also, are we supposed to be able to convert PSA to average maturity? I see the conversion being shown in various examples, but I haven't located a formula for doing so.

I have other questions, but I'm so confused right now that I can't formulate them.

- Robert
作者: ryanlb    时间: 2011-7-11 19:32

Let me rephrase the above post (my edit time expired).

If the actual prepayment is inside the collar, say PSA 200, the PAC I participant receives the minimum amount (PSA 90 or 300 as the case may be). In that case, the support tranche absorbs the contraction. Right?

If the prepayment is outside the collar, the PAC tranche absorbs the contraction or the extension, right?

What would be an example where the support tranche absorbs the extension?

- Robert
作者: Otabek    时间: 2011-7-11 19:32

The companion tranche absorbs the contraction or the extension risk, the payments to the PAC tranche are limited by the prepay collar.
作者: Swanand    时间: 2011-7-11 19:32

Regarding my question about extension risk:

If the PAC tranche is already paid at the minimum point of the collar (say PSA 90), how is extension risk mitigated by Support? PSA would have to drop below 90, and then you'd be outside the collar.

Also, are we supposed to be able to convert PSA to average maturity? I see the conversion being shown in various examples, but I haven't located a formula for doing so.

- Robert
作者: neil1234    时间: 2011-7-11 19:32

if the actual prepayments are below the collar, then the principal paid to the support tranche is directed to the PAC. this means that more of support bond is outstanding (or the holders of the support bond have an extension risk)

I doubt they will ask us to compute the WAL for a PAC.. you will need to compute the principal paid down every month using the 2 different psa's and pick the one with the lower payment.
作者: maryli    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

The PAC could receive an amount within the collar band, not necessarily at the bare minimum. If the PSA is 200, then the PSA is 200. Not arbitrarily 90 (the lower end of the band). If it faces extension risk, then the junior tranches eat the loss first and senior gets the bare minimum of the collar.

Maybe I'm not understanding your question, because it seems pretty straight forward to me.
作者: sameeragarwal    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

At the risk of sounding totally lost, let's assume the collar is PSA 90-300, but the actual payments are running more like 200 (somewhere in the middle of the collar), and we're in the early days.

What does the PAC tranche get -- 90?

- Robert
作者: onelife1    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

Here's what is tripping me up.

The purpose of the collar it to mitigate prepayment risk -- contractions and extensions. Conceptually, this works so long as actual prepayments fall within the effective collar.

What confuses me is the fact that the PAC normally receives the minimum side of the collar band, not some other point in the band. To my understanding, this protects contraction risk only (prepayments inside the collar will always exceed the minimum). Extension risk is only mitigated when prepayments fall below the lower bound, and by definition you're outside the collar.

So how does this structure reduce extension risk for PAC holders?

- Robert
作者: flyinggirl    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

PAC tranche gets 200
作者: profil    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

if PSA is 305, support tranche absorbs 5.
if PSA is 85, Support tranche feed 5 to pac.
作者: chandsingh    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

to be fair, I had to read the section at least a dozen times, and I'm still not certain of everything. I'm trying to understand how the support protects the PAC from extension risk.

- Robert
作者: thecfawannabe    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33


This had me confused for a while too, but I think this will make sense.
Here is an example of support bonds providing protection against extension risk.

Let's say in Month 5, the prepayment falls short of schedule (increased extension risk).
Note that the support bonds will not receive any principal payments while PAC receives at least some. Then in Month 6, there is an inflow of prepayment and the entire cash flow will go to PAC until amortization schedule is back on track.

Ultimately, PAC receives more prepayment than a bond with sequential-pay structure would under this lower-than-expected prepayment schedule.
作者: Rasec    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

Extension risk is protected, because as long as the prepayment speed falls between the bands, support tranche covers the shortfall of prepayment. PAC still gets their principal and interests as planned, thus their extension risk is protected. If the prepayments are so low that it's outside the bands, however, the effective collar will adjust and the price of the PAC will change, although probably not much.
作者: ayodayo    时间: 2011-7-11 19:33

This has just started to confuse me too. I think passme was incorrect above, but I think he knows he was. My 2 questions:

1) If the range is 90-300 PSA, and every month it is consistently 90 PSA, will the support tranche have enough to cover the PAC tranche and ensure there is no extension risk? If so then I think I get it.

2) How is the support tranche paid off? Pg. 389 (volume 5) in the text has an example of PAC & Support tranche payoffs with 165 PSA for the life of the investment. For the life of me I cannot see how they get the principal amounts paid each month. Can anyone?


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