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标题: Omg...I forgot everything [打印本页]

作者: gjcxc    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33     标题: Omg...I forgot everything

Its just been more than a month or so I sat for Level I. Yesterday someone asked me a question on interest expense of premium and discount bonds and I realized that I dont remember @#$%&. This mostly applied to FSA. Anyone else got brainwashed like me?
作者: nitoha    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

this happened to me- 48 hours after the exam!
作者: pogo    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

It is amazing how quickly you lose it without the day-to-day repetition. However, it is also amazing how quickly you can get it back with a little study.
作者: Londonrocks    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

I walked out of the test very confident that I did well, and now, it's like I never even studied. I can't remember anything with clarity. I'm sure it comes back quickly with little review, or at least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better.
作者: Bulla564    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

I agree with thommo...I'm a retaker and while I felt that I forgot everything within a week of the exam the first time I wrote, I found it was a LOT easier to pick up again with a bit of review and you'll be surprised how many little details will come back to you whenever you get back into study mode
作者: Penny-wenny    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

If you guys took a Schweser exam today how do you think you would do? I think I would be able to score 65%+, I'd hope. A lot of the quant based material is stuck in my head. I will never ever forget CAPM or DDM. The conceptual stuff from Econ and FSA has left the building though. I remember a lot of the broad topics but if I had to go into detail about the differences between an operating lease and a sales lease I would be screwed.
作者: Maddin    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

ya, conceptual stuff is easy to retain , but some things have washed out completely like
alternative investments .... WTH
most of corp finance ...... never absorbed it fully
and the long jargons of starting chapters of FI and starting chapters of Equity
and lots more , i just don't want to find out

Only thing that's fully intact is derivatives and quant !
作者: ramdabom    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

and yeah , i forgot to even think about ETHICS , i'm sure it was gone even one week after exam .
作者: Beatnik    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33

eish, i forgot everything once i left the Dec 08 exam, and FORGOT everything after i walked out the June 09 exam, that sucks eh?
作者: cyber21    时间: 2011-7-13 13:33


Same here. And reading the post on this forum you guys have a lot of knowledge and there are plenty of things I overlooked. But hope for the best I guess come the 28th...D-Day.

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