what is wrong with this guy? Ultra grumpy and hostile towards others作者: mp3bu 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
thank you. i thought his last post was a bit over the top but i was gonna let it slide.作者: aidebaobao 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
mixinmark1 Wrote:
> what is wrong with this guy? Ultra grumpy and
> hostile towards others
His two chicks are ragging at the same time. THAT MAKES HIM ANGRY.
Plus he's considering becoming an actuary, which could make anyone upset.
-My friend QQQbbe, we will never forget you.作者: thommo77 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
thats why all he does is study and take tests...bc no one likes him.
i mean after taking level III the second the forum opens up your question is what test should i take next?
how about build your career and enjoy life because without basic people skills you're not going anywhere in this bidness作者: NakedPuts00 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
man, you guys are cold-hearted snakes. Why cant a brother pursue his dream of being a test-taking grumpy actuary?作者: Roflnadal 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
>man, you guys are cold-hearted snakes. Why cant a brother pursue his dream of being a test-taking grumpy actuary?
Just masturbate more - you'll feel better.作者: bpdulog 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
No Actuarial employer will be impressed that you've been career-path lost for who knows how many years, and now you decide that you're going to pigeon-hole into Actuarial work. I'm not buying the story that you know what you want, nor will the Actuarial company.作者: dyga 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
it might be better worth your time to find the underground CFA websites as you had requested in a previous thread then to provoke sh!tstorms on here my friend.作者: bkballa 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
jcole21 Wrote:
> If considering an investment related role within
> an insurer, FSA+CFA can be an incredible
> combination of providing depths on both sides of
> the balance sheet.
> Although, practically speaking, I think it's much
> easier to go FSA (with employer support) then CFA,
> and not the other way around.
I agree that FSA + CFA is a desirable combination in an insurance company, but I don't know whether FSA is easier. FSA will probably take more time, at least.作者: PalacioHill 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
This is what an Actuarial employer will say when he sees your resume:
Wow, i see you have no idea what career path you're on since i see you dabbling in Investment Mngt and now after I dunno 5-10 years, you are really certain you want to work in the Actuarial field...right....
Actuarial work then CFA charter pursuit = Logical
CFA charter then transition into Actuarial = Suspect
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 06:02PM by mixinmark1.作者: mar350 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
cityboy Wrote:
> jcole21 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If considering an investment related role
> within
> > an insurer, FSA+CFA can be an incredible
> > combination of providing depths on both sides
> of
> > the balance sheet.
> >
> > Although, practically speaking, I think it's
> much
> > easier to go FSA (with employer support) then
> CFA,
> > and not the other way around.
> I agree that FSA + CFA is a desirable combination
> in an insurance company, but I don't know whether
> FSA is easier. FSA will probably take more time,
> at least.
I think FSA is harder (didn't take but worked within the actuarial department of an insurer dealing with annuity riders/hedging and considered going the route / looked into it quite a bit and had support for time off to take FM but changed jobs).
-My friend QQQbbe, we will never forget you.作者: mik82 时间: 2011-7-13 16:43
wake, you're my friend shun. whether contributing directly or indirectly, he has more posts on here than a bunch of you haters.