CFA? whats that is it like the series 7...............i kid it will be recognized as an accomplishment but to the pont of monetary or promotion no? am i going to try and leverage it into a new position ? i like asking questions and answering them myself? what do u think作者: cityboy 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
Reimbursement of fees + lukewarm congrats + other employers knocking on the door作者: Analti_Calte 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I'll get jack. Performance determines my salary not any qualifications.作者: infinitybenzo 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I expect to negotiate pretty aggressively for a good raise if I pass (not immediately but at next review). I also think it may factor a bit into my bonus next yr, but that'll mostly be determined by my workload and the fund's performance, I should think.
Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.
-qqqbee作者: Iginla2011 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
Expect some congrats email from people
People will ask me what I'm going to do next to be nice but in reality they are looking for me to make a funny joke
Then people will starting sh!t behind my back wondering when I'm going to leave and/or if I ever got a raise for passing作者: Windjammer 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I get that @#$%& all the time, "... the CFA? Is that like the series 7?" I guess if you have to ask you've already had your money squandered away by a broker with the series 7, haha.作者: IAmNeil 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I have a hard time even talking to anyone that compares it to the series 7. Trying to explain to them how much more difficult the CFA is without coming off sounding like an a-hole is really tough. I usually default to just being an a-hole, then I am the bad guy even though they asked the ridiculous question.
Even better is people in the industry trying to compare their prep for the series 7 to what you go through trying to get the charter.作者: ohai 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I know a girl who had a really tough time with the Series 7, I told her honestly don't bother trying the CFA exams.作者: ll11 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
I remember sitting next to some moron for L1 that was upset his company forced their employees to pass L1 (only), despite him already having his series 7. to quote "some silly people in upper management think that if you didnt get a degree in finance or at least pass level 1 that you lack credibility in the business...I mean, I already have my series 7!". I am taking that he didn't study too much or wouldn't have made the statement...作者: Zestt 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
bell99 Wrote:
> My boss hinted that he will put me as head of a
> new division for asset management if I obtain the
> charter. Reason? He said he cannot afford to hire
> a CFA Charterholder from outside the company due
> to limited budget. He said that a CFA
> Charterholder's pay is able to pay for three
> employees. Implying I will be paid 1/3 of market
> rate for this 'prestigious' job.
What? So you would be paid like $40k to do this?作者: Roflnadal 时间: 2011-7-13 17:24
ohai Wrote:
> bell99 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My boss hinted that he will put me as head of a
> > new division for asset management if I obtain
> the
> > charter. Reason? He said he cannot afford to
> hire
> > a CFA Charterholder from outside the company
> due
> > to limited budget. He said that a CFA
> > Charterholder's pay is able to pay for three
> > employees. Implying I will be paid 1/3 of
> market
> > rate for this 'prestigious' job.
> >
> What? So you would be paid like $40k to do this?
If the job is legit and not just title inflation, take the job, bag the experience, then go somewhere where they'll honor the full price tag.