Moore Company stock is currently trading at $40 per share. An investor attempting to protect against losses of more than 10% on a short position in Moore should place a
A. stop buy order @ $44
B. stop sell order @ $36
C. limit buy order @ $44
答案上给的是A。 我理解是B 既然short position 应该是止损指令才对啊,那不应该是只有价格下跌到 $36 时卖出 损失才不超过10%么?
我的理解是short = sell , the investor has a position to sell a stock at a price of 40,如果价格升高了10%,也就是44,这个investor就损失10%,因为他本来可以卖44块的。所以他就整了个stop buy at 44, 价升到44,♥买家就不能买这只股票了,这样他就最多损失10%作者: romeo8023 时间: 2012-5-16 16:22