10. Assuming a 5%level of significance, the Dickey-Fuller results reported in Exhibit 2 show that the: A. Test for a unit root is inconclusive for the dependent variable. B. Dependent variable exhibits a unit root but the independent variables do not. C. Independent variable exhibits a unit root but the dependent variables do not.
为什么Dependent variable exhibits a unit root ?1.591>0.1123 也应该拒绝啊作者: gagarin61412 时间: 2012-5-25 05:04
I am confused too. Waiting for wisdom to answer it!
the P-value for t is 0.1123, which means the null could be refused at higher level, not necessarily 5% signigicance level. so the dependent variable should not be unit root?作者: maxim0207 时间: 2012-5-27 01:55