EssayQ#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%
1Portfolio Management - Individual16*--
2Portfolio Management - Individual22*--
3Portfolio Management - Institutional26-*-
5Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation20*--
6Fixed Income Investments19--*
7Equity Investments22-*-
8Portfolio Management - Risk Management16*--
9Portfolio Management – Performance Eval.16*--Item SetQ#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%
-Alternative Investments18-*-
-Equity Investments18--*
-Ethical & Professional Standards36-*-
-Fixed Income Investments36--*
-Portfolio Management - Execution18-*-
-Portfolio Management - Individual18--*
-Portfolio Management - Risk Management18*--
We have divided the full group of candidates who did not pass into 10 approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with all other failed candidates.
Your score band: 10作者: 桃谷四仙 时间: 2012-6-13 16:14