LOS A.: Knowledge of the Law
1、Which of the following statements about the responsibilities of CFA charterholders is TRUE? CFA charterholders:
A) must comply with the laws and rules governing their profession and must not engage in any individual behavior that reflects adversely on the entire profession.
B) must comply with the laws and rules governing their profession or must not engage in any individual behavior that reflects adversely on the entire profession.
C) are not obligated to a special set of standards, but must act honorably.
D) are only obligated to comply with securities laws in the
The correct answer was A)
CFA charterholders must comply with the laws and rules governing their profession and must not engage in any individual behavior that reflects adversely on the entire profession. While they should act honorably and follow
2、Which of the following statements about the CFA Institute Code and Standards is most accurate? The Code and Standards:
A) prohibit members from accepting gifts that create a conflict with their employer's interest.
B) require members to resign from their jobs to disassociate themselves from clients engaging in illegal activities.
C) require members to persuade the perpetrator to cease illegal activities.
D) do not require that members report legal violations to the appropriate governmental or regulatory organization.
The correct answer was D)
The Code and Standards do not require members to report violations to legal authorities, but such disclosure may be prudent in certain circumstances. They do not require members to quit their jobs or to persuade violators to cease illegal activities. They do require that members report the activities to the appropriate person(s) in their own firm and disassociate themselves from the illegal actions. Members must obtain written permission to accept gifts that create a conflict with their employer's interest.
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