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标题: 我是CIMA考生--- 说一说ACCA vs CIMA [打印本页]

作者: sandsea    时间: 2010-8-10 04:36     标题: 我是CIMA考生--- 说一说ACCA vs CIMA



我就最后一点着重说一说。这里就牵扯到了ACCA和CIMA即有重合,又各自有不同的侧重。其实到最后你会发现,这种证只是侧重不同,但能全部考下来的话绝对是对自己今后5年一个很好的投资,因为到时候你会具备英语,会计国际视野和最新的会计方法论。首先说相同点,IASs & IFRSs。没错,从最基本的double entry stystem开始,然后trial account,直到balance sheet, Income statement, statement of change in equity, consolidated groupaccounts,在财务报表这条主线上来看,ACCA和CIMA都要求考生具备了解准则精神,知道准则制定背景,产生过程和实际运用准则准备财务报表,理解财务报表并且分析报表的能力。这也是会计的基本功。从这里开始,ACCA和CIMA开始向不同的侧重发展。通过看两个证各自的大纲,我们可以看到CIMA没有Advanced taxation, Auditing。CIMA税的部分,最难到deffered tax结束,不再深究。而ACCA的大纲可以根据考生自己的地区选择具体的税务。Auditing在CIMA里只是简单介绍了一下审计的目的,报告的形式,和内控的一些入门知识。

说到Financial Management, 两个证都非常重视。要求考生具备通过报表看本质,分析和决策的能力.

Performance Management & Decision Making。这是CIMA的核心内容,从double entry开始,就侧重在企业生产过程中的财务报表对决策的支持。直到Absorb Overhead, ABC costing, TQM, JIT,Transfering Price,Throughput accounting, Limiting Factor等等等等,这个列表可以一直持续下去。说到底,就是从成本,生产组织模式这些内部因素直到市场策略,KPI, Stakeholder Analysis,为企业决策提供一整套方法论。

我发现一个有趣的现象,CIMA考生最讨厌的就是Financial Accounting, 这个从官方的通过率也可以看到,新的大纲通过率最低的是Management Accounting& Decision Making,紧接着就是Consolidated Group Accounting&Financial Management. 而我身边的ACCA考生抱怨的往往是Management Accounting考试里大量的数字和计算。

如果有一句话高度概括CIMA和ACCA的区别,我会这样说。ACCA students are more focused on understanding the impact of events happened in the past by reading the financial statements, for they are more familiar with financial reporting, taxation and auditing. Hence they are expected to be trained as an external services provider to work for the big4 companies. For contrast, the CIMA students aretrained to be more forward thinking in order to add value on decision making and more concerned about events happens in the future, for their fundamental ability is to understand the cost structure and any potential improvement can be done by understanding thecost drivers and market force. But, there is one common interest that both CIMA and ACCA students share which is to understand the preparation and presentation of financial reports and its impacts on decision making for investors at global scale and by using thisability of understanding the financial reports, they both are expected to be skilful financial reports readers to support economic decision making.不好意思,这句话有点长,而且也不是一句话。


总之我觉得不论考哪个证,能够凭自己的努力考下来无疑对自己的综合实力都是一个很大的提高。很多时候我们没有名校毕业背景,我们没有500强的经验,但是我们可以像许三多那样,做意义的事,苦练内功。如果考一个证可以让我们成为a better person,不但是专业知识和国际视野,并且提高了自律能力和奉献净胜,那么无疑对人生来讲都是一个巨大的收获。
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