I’m rereading the Ethics material…does anybody know whether its required to know the number/letter combination of the SPC rules, or do we just have to know what they are?
For instance, IV-A is “Loyalty” as it applies to “Duty to employers”. Do you have to know that it is IV-A?
I read somewhere in Secret Sauce that it’s not required to know the IV-A part, but I’ve also heard that there are exam questions that would refer only to the number/letter combo like IV-A and not mention what the actual rule is, so you should know the numbers/letters as well.
Thanks!作者: iteracom 时间: 2013-3-30 20:52
it is not required to know the number/letter combination of the SPC rules—-we will need to know them for L2作者: svgleeson 时间: 2013-3-30 20:52
Are you sure? I’ll skip my plan to memorize them if you’re sure they aren’t required作者: zephyranalyst 时间: 2013-3-30 20:52
Can anybody confirm this one way or the other? I’d really appreciate it!