A. easier than the ones at L1
B. harder than the ones at L1
C. only appear to be easier after having covered most areas once before and becoming
a more ethical person than I was exactly 1 year ago作者: RepoToronto 时间: 2013-3-31 12:32
B, coming from a L2 retaker. My particular gripe with ethics is I would’ve been sitting for L3 if only had gotten 50 on the questions. I’m readjusting my strategy by slowing down and taking time to read the entire item set before jumping straight to the questions.作者: MiniMe7 时间: 2013-3-31 12:32
Ouch, that’s got to hurt. I am sure you’ll be fine this time.
As for me, I first read the entire story without even looking at the questions underlining even the slightest hints of violations and form an opinion in anticipation. This way I know exactly where to look when I see a question.