标题: FCFF and FCFE Question [打印本页] 作者: BelalM 时间: 2013-4-8 18:23 标题: FCFF and FCFE Question
Why is it that Proceeds from issuing new common shares, and repurchases of shares have no effect on FCFF and FCFE?作者: onelife1 时间: 2013-4-8 18:24
FCFF = NI + Dep + Int(1-t) - FInv - WInv
FCFE = NI + Dep - FInv - WInv + Net borrowing
If you issue new shares or repurchase shares non of the above RHS figures change.作者: comp_sci_kid 时间: 2013-4-8 18:24
Thanks. I understand and know the formulas. I’m looking for a more logical explanation however?
If someone gives me $100, and I issue them a piece of paper that declares some % ownership, it would seem that would give me an extra $100 of free cash?作者: neil1234 时间: 2013-4-8 18:24
Proceeds from issuing new common shares are available to equity and debt providers of the firm.
Repurchase of shares is a use of free cash flow available to equity.
FCFE calculates the cash flow available to equity providers of the firm. That’s why no effect.
For eg: Interest is not available to equity providers and that’s why is deducted from FCFE.