标题: When do we solve Qbanks? [打印本页] 作者: studyn 时间: 2013-4-24 13:00 标题: When do we solve Qbanks?
Hello Guys;
In the Schweser package, they give you Qbanks and Practice Exams…
Definitely they Practice Exams are left for revision..
But about the Qbanks, should i solve bunch of questions after each Study Session or leave it to the end too…
Recommendation pleasee作者: bluejazzy 时间: 2013-4-24 13:01
go through an LOS and solve as many questions of the same once you have got a good understanding of the concept.
I went through 1500 or so.作者: Makavelim3 时间: 2013-4-24 13:09
The way I used QBank was the following:
1) Never take “Easy” questions. Only intermediate and hard.
2) Take a quiz on each section after reading it.
3) Every few days take a 60-100 question test on the sections I’ve read thus far.
After I read everything, took plenty of 120 Question tests of only “advanced” questions. I felt that doing the comprehnsive tests once or twice a week really helped in making me not forget sections as I read others.作者: FVPV 时间: 2013-4-24 13:11
definitely good for repetition and and keepign things fresh raw, but id be concerned w/how quickly you’ll blow through the questions…for example, there are only 120 macro analysis questions..i did a 40 and a 20…and ill do the remaining 60 towards the end…
if you test urself as often as ur suggesting, and are eliminating all of the easy questions (which i agree with), then you’ll blow through the int/adv questions..aren’t you only hurting yourself by answering the exact same questions over and over?作者: badonkus 时间: 2013-4-24 13:15
I never do practise questions all of them on a topic at a stretch. I did this in level 1 and found that mid way I had forgotten all that I had done initially.
1. Weekdays - study sessions on two different topic, generally two topics which are not correlated. For ex: Alt Investments and Fixed Income
2. Saturday - I do 15 questions each on the topics - Try to finish off one of the topic
3. Sunday - 15 questions on the other topics - Try to finish off the other topic
* Everyday night before going to bed, I glance through the formulae sheet created/notes taken - not more than 5-10 minutes. Repeat this for each topic you do, till you have finished one pass.
Some other strategies I follow:
1. Randomly answer questions on the topics you had done some time back. You would have forgotten some, but thats fine!
2. Some weekends I am completely solving questions alone, if my productivity on reading that day is very very low. Generally I love solving problems, than reading something new. And vice versa as well, if I feel I am in the zone on a particular day I skip answering questions and try to get as much as possible into my brain