For a demand-pull effect or a cost-push effect to cause inflation:
A. the AS curve has to shift in response to a shift of the AD curve.
B. the AD curve has to shift in response to a shift of the AS curve.
C. the cause of the shift in AD or AS must be repeated or sustained.
D. economic equilibrium must be re-established at a higher price level.
楼主这道题问得很好 我也做错了 选的D
看一下NOTES底167-168页的细节内容。因为inflation的一个特点在于price的上涨是persist的,168页第三段开头那句话,以及167页倒数第二段,Demand-pull inflation would persist until the central bank reduced the growth rate of the money supply....因此,既然inflation是不断的一个螺旋过程,那么就没有说停下来,reestablish在某一个点。
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