"20 Which of the following index weighting methods requires the most frequent rebalancing?
A Price weighting. B Equal weighting. C Market-capitalization weighting."
(Institute 111)
Institute, CFA. CFA Institute Level I 2014 Volume 5 Equity and Fixed Income. John Wiley & Sons P&T, 2013-07-12. VitalBook file.
书上的正确答案是B。我的问题是,如果是equal weighting,那么每个constituent equity所占比例不都一直是weight = 1/N (N = number of securities)?就算价格变化,貌似也不会影响到weight呀?
答案是这样解释的:"Changing market prices will cause weights that were initially equal to become unequal, thus requiring rebalancing." 但还是不明白。。。