考试中在准考证上打了草稿,准备写一封道歉信发到协会,请大家帮我看一下语气是否合适respectable association:
I am a level 1 candidate from ChengDu of China.During the exam,because I am nervous,I write some draft on the ticket.I didn't know this action violated the provision before the proctor reminded me,and I am unintentional and I have never thought about cheating .I promise.I always respect the code and ethics of CFA institute,and I am very sorry for my mistake.I wonder whether this mistake will affect my score.I really feel sorry for my mistake.Please forgive my mistake.
Thank you 作者: cfaadmin 时间: 2014-6-10 18:24
I didn't know this action violated the provision before the proctor reminded me
PS:楼主,你是怎么知道自己被report了呢,是有人记了个人信息还是直接告诉你的?我在北美这边考的,交卷的时候也被说了一下,可是收完卷我追出去跟监考的人道歉的时候,他跟我说:i talked with my supervisor. you are okay.我不知道她是不是骗我,因为我感觉她翻我们这组的答题卡了,所以请教楼主,你是怎么知道自己被report的了呢?万分感谢。
最好信中说一下你写了什么在那上面, 让他们知道你写的是无关紧要的. 你写的我看了, 'I' 重复太多次, 可以去掉. 最后一句变成It will never happen again之类的作者: dyzhang37 时间: 2014-6-10 23:34
Dear _____,
I am a level 1 candidate from ChengDu of China, my name is ______ and my CFA ID is ________. I got nervous during the start of the exam and unconsciously wrote some draft work on the admission ticket without realizing what I did was indeed a violation until the proctor reminded me. I have never thought about cheating nor disclose any exam information, and always respect the code and ethics of CFA institute. I sincerely apologize for what I did and please forgive my terrible mistake and I promise it will not be happening again.
Kindly let me know if you require further information.
LZ, i made some adjustment to your paragraph, you can use as a reference if you want. Hopefully you will just receive a warning from CFA.作者: zhazha941940 时间: 2014-6-11 08:56