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标题: Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Gui [打印本页]

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-8 15:31     标题: [2009] Session 1 -Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidanc

Q10. A broker was sanctioned for unsuitable recommendations and excessive trading involving three accounts under his care. These clients were unsophisticated, inexperienced individual investors with limited means. According to CFA Institute Standard III(C), Suitability, which of the following is least likely to be considered a relevant factor in determining the appropriateness and suitability of investment recommendations or actions for each portfolio or client?

A)   Basic characteristics of the total portfolio.

B)   Needs and circumstances of the portfolio or client.

C)   Best interests of the investment professional.

Q11. Bob Hatfield, CFA, has his own money management firm with two clients. The accounts of the two clients are equal in value. Hatfield has been trading on the clients’ behalf with a single brokerage firm for several years. Because of his many years of business, the brokerage firm occasionally gives Hatfield shares in an initial public offering (IPO) to sell to his clients. Hatfield has a policy of allocating the IPO shares equally between the portfolios of the two clients. This policy is:

A)   congruent with Standard III(C), Suitability.

B)   a violation of Standard III(C), Suitability.

C)   a violation of Standard III(B), Fair Dealing.

Q12. Kim Lee manages a variety of accounts at Superior Investments. Some are permitted to invest in tax-exempt issues only; others may not invest in a stock unless it pays dividends. Lee is researching a biotech firm specializing in the analysis of "mad cow" disease. While touring company facilities and meeting with management, she learns that they believe they may have found a way to reverse the disease. Moreover, one manager conjectured, "Suppose that we reversed the disease in someone who didn't even have it? We might then be able to boost that individual's IQ into the stratosphere!" Lee returns to her office and buys shares for all accounts under her supervision. This action is:

A)   appropriate given the obvious potential of the therapy.

B)   a violation of the Standard concerning fiduciary duties.

C)   a violation of the Standard concerning appropriateness and suitability of investment actions.

Q13. The O’Douls (husband and wife) have decided to work with Jane Mack, CFA, to have her recommend an investment portfolio for them. The O’Douls are novice investors and Mack has determined their asset allocation model falls into the conservative category. After researching various investment options for the O’Douls, Mack has made a recommendation that they divide their account on a 25%/75% basis between shares of a computer peripherals manufacturing company her brokerage firm is underwriting and investment grade corporate bonds. The O’Douls are not aware that Mack’s firm is underwriting an offering of the company in question. Which CFA Institute Standard(s) has Mack violated given her actions?

A)   Standard V(A), Diligence and Reasonable Basis, and I(D), Misconduct.

B)   Standard VI(A), Disclosure of Conflicts, and III(C), Suitability.

C)   Standard III(B), Fair Dealing, and III(A), Loyalty, Prudence, and Care.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-9 15:53:56编辑过]

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-8 15:32


Q10. A broker was sanctioned for unsuitable recommendations and excessive trading involving three accounts under his care. These clients were unsophisticated, inexperienced individual investors with limited means. According to CFA Institute Standard III(C), Suitability, which of the following is least likely to be considered a relevant factor in determining the appropriateness and suitability of investment recommendations or actions for each portfolio or client?

A)   Basic characteristics of the total portfolio.

B)   Needs and circumstances of the portfolio or client.

C)   Best interests of the investment professional.

Correct answer is C)

Determining appropriateness and suitability focuses on the portfolio or client, not on the investment professional. Investment professionals should take particular care to ensure that their goals in selling products or executing security transactions do not conflict with the best interests of the client.

Q11. Bob Hatfield, CFA, has his own money management firm with two clients. The accounts of the two clients are equal in value. Hatfield has been trading on the clients’ behalf with a single brokerage firm for several years. Because of his many years of business, the brokerage firm occasionally gives Hatfield shares in an initial public offering (IPO) to sell to his clients. Hatfield has a policy of allocating the IPO shares equally between the portfolios of the two clients. This policy is:

A)   congruent with Standard III(C), Suitability.

B)   a violation of Standard III(C), Suitability.

C)   a violation of Standard III(B), Fair Dealing.

Correct answer is B)

According to Standard III(C), the analyst must consider the appropriateness and suitability of an investment recommendation for each portfolio or client. Having a fixed policy of adding investments to portfolios without evaluating their suitability is a violation of Standard III(C). The action does not violate Standard III(B)

Q12. Kim Lee manages a variety of accounts at Superior Investments. Some are permitted to invest in tax-exempt issues only; others may not invest in a stock unless it pays dividends. Lee is researching a biotech firm specializing in the analysis of "mad cow" disease. While touring company facilities and meeting with management, she learns that they believe they may have found a way to reverse the disease. Moreover, one manager conjectured, "Suppose that we reversed the disease in someone who didn't even have it? We might then be able to boost that individual's IQ into the stratosphere!" Lee returns to her office and buys shares for all accounts under her supervision. This action is:

A)   appropriate given the obvious potential of the therapy.

B)   a violation of the Standard concerning fiduciary duties.

C)   a violation of the Standard concerning appropriateness and suitability of investment actions.

Correct answer is C)

Given the variety of accounts under her supervision, it is not likely the shares of a speculative biotech firm would be suitable for all accounts. Placing such shares in all accounts indicates that she has failed to consider the appropriateness and suitability of the investment for each account, and this places her in violation of Standard III(C).

Q13. The O’Douls (husband and wife) have decided to work with Jane Mack, CFA, to have her recommend an investment portfolio for them. The O’Douls are novice investors and Mack has determined their asset allocation model falls into the conservative category. After researching various investment options for the O’Douls, Mack has made a recommendation that they divide their account on a 25%/75% basis between shares of a computer peripherals manufacturing company her brokerage firm is underwriting and investment grade corporate bonds. The O’Douls are not aware that Mack’s firm is underwriting an offering of the company in question. Which CFA Institute Standard(s) has Mack violated given her actions?

A)   Standard V(A), Diligence and Reasonable Basis, and I(D), Misconduct.

B)   Standard VI(A), Disclosure of Conflicts, and III(C), Suitability.

C)   Standard III(B), Fair Dealing, and III(A), Loyalty, Prudence, and Care.

Correct answer is B)

Mack is obliged to disclose the conflict of interest regarding her company’s IPO and to consider both the appropriateness and the suitability of the investment for her client. She has apparently failed in both respects.

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