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标题: Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid [打印本页]

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-9 17:16     标题: [2009] Session 1 -Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance

Q8. An analyst has the opportunity to offer his clients shares in a “hot new issue.” One of the analyst’s clients is his brother. When the new issue comes out, for those clients he deems it would be appropriate, he offers them an equal share. He includes his brother in that group. With respect to Standard VI(B), Priority of Transactions, this is:

A)   congruent with the Standard if his brother is not a 'covered person'.

B)   congruent with the Standard even if he has a direct personal interest in his brother's account.

C)   congruent with the Standard as long as he does not have a direct personal interest in his brother's account.

Q9. Andy Rock, CFA, is an analyst at Best Trade Co. The company is going to announce a sell recommendation on Biomed stock in one hour. Rock was a member of the team who reached the decision on Biomed. Rock’s wife has an account at Best Trade Co. that contains Biomed stock. According to the Code and Standards, trading on Rock’s wife’s account can begin:

A)    only after the recommendation is announced to the general public.

B)    as soon as the information is disseminated to all clients.

C)    only after Rock, as a beneficial owner, has given an appropriate amount of time for clients and his employer to act.

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-9 17:16


Q8. An analyst has the opportunity to offer his clients shares in a “hot new issue.” One of the analyst’s clients is his brother. When the new issue comes out, for those clients he deems it would be appropriate, he offers them an equal share. He includes his brother in that group. With respect to Standard VI(B), Priority of Transactions, this is:

A)   congruent with the Standard if his brother is not a 'covered person'.

B)   congruent with the Standard even if he has a direct personal interest in his brother's account.

C)   congruent with the Standard as long as he does not have a direct personal interest in his brother's account.

Correct answer is C)         

Client accounts that belong to family members should be treated like any other account so long as there is no direct interest on the part of the analyst. In other words, these types of accounts should not be at a disadvantage relative to other client accounts when there is no direct interest on the part of the analyst overseeing the account.

Q9. Andy Rock, CFA, is an analyst at Best Trade Co. The company is going to announce a sell recommendation on Biomed stock in one hour. Rock was a member of the team who reached the decision on Biomed. Rock’s wife has an account at Best Trade Co. that contains Biomed stock. According to the Code and Standards, trading on Rock’s wife’s account can begin:

A)    only after the recommendation is announced to the general public.

B)    as soon as the information is disseminated to all clients.

C)    only after Rock, as a beneficial owner, has given an appropriate amount of time for clients and his employer to act.

Correct answer is B)

Family accounts that are client accounts should be treated like any other firm account and should neither be given special treatment nor be disadvantaged because of an existing family relationship with the member or candidate. Members or candidates may undertake transactions in accounts for which they are a beneficial owner only after their clients and employers have had adequate opportunity to act on the recommendation. Personal transactions include those made for the member or candidate's own account, for family (including spouse, children, and other immediate family members) accounts, and for accounts in which the member or candidate has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest, such as a trust or retirement account. It could be argued that Rock is a beneficial owner of his wife's account and the reason why his wife's account should be treated like any other client account is because it does not state that Rock makes the trades in his wife's account. From that we are to infer that another person other than Rock is managing his wife's account thus she should be treated like any other client.

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