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标题: 请问三级行为金融学中效用理论的四个公理中的continuity如何理解 [打印本页]

作者: mostovoi    时间: 2016-5-21 18:22     标题: 请问三级行为金融学中效用理论的四个公理中的continuity如何理解

Continuity assumes there are continuous (unbroken) indifference curves suchthat an individual is indifferent between all points , representing combinations
of choices , on a single indifference curve.
Axiom (Continuity): When there are three lotteries (A , B, and C) and the individual prefers A to B and B to C, then there should be a possible
combination of A and C such that the individual is indifferent between this combination and the lottery B.τhe end result is continuous indifference curves.

查了一些解释,意思都是有A>B>C这么一个偏好,于是 A 和 C 的按一定比例组合能达到一个和B 具有相同效用的一个组合。那么这个和continuous indifference curves又有什么关系呢,感觉不怎么联系得起来啊

作者: adjani.zhang    时间: 2016-5-24 13:34


比如冰淇淋 >可乐 > 薯条,个人满足度: x 个冰淇淋 + y 份薯条 = z 杯可乐

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