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标题: Reading 70: Option Markets and Contracts- LOSe~ Q1-4 [打印本页]

作者: yanghon    时间: 2009-3-2 10:38     标题: [2009] Session 17 - Reading 70: Option Markets and Contracts- LOSe~ Q1-4


LOS e: Compute and interpret option payoffs, and explain how interest rate option payoffs differ from the payoffs of other types of options.

Q1. The payoff of a call option on a stock at expiration is equal to:

A)   the minimum of zero and the stock price minus the exercise price.

B)   the maximum of zero and the stock price minus the exercise price.

C)   the maximum of zero and the exercise price minus the stock price.


Q2. Which of the following descriptions of how option payoffs are determined is most accurate?

A)   The long position in an interest rate call option receives cash at expiration equal to Max[0, (reference rate-strike rate)] x notional principal amount.

B)   An equity call option holder receives cash in the amount by which the exercise price is greater than the strike price.

C)   Payoffs on futures options can be determined without knowing the spot price of the underlying commodity.


Q3. The value of an interest-rate call option at expiration is zero or the:

A)   market rate minus the exercise rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.

B)   present value of, the market rate minus the exercise rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.

C)   exercise rate minus the market rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.


Q4. An important difference between interest rate options and bond options is that:

A)   bond options must account for coupon payments.

B)   bond options have positive payoffs when rates increase, interest-rate options when rates decrease.

C)   the payoffs on interest-rate options are not made at option expiration.


作者: yanghon    时间: 2009-3-2 10:41     标题: [2009] Session 17 - Reading 70: Option Markets and Contracts- LOSe~ Q1-4

LOS e: Compute and interpret option payoffs, and explain how interest rate option payoffs differ from the payoffs of other types of options. fficeffice" />

Q1. The payoff of a call option on a stock at expiration is equal to:

A)   the minimum of zero and the stock price minus the exercise price.

B)   the maximum of zero and the stock price minus the exercise price.

C)   the maximum of zero and the exercise price minus the stock price.

Correct answer is B)       

The payoff on a call option on a stock is Max (0, S – X).


Q2. Which of the following descriptions of how option payoffs are determined is most accurate?

A)   The long position in an interest rate call option receives cash at expiration equal to Max[0, (reference rate-strike rate)] x notional principal amount.

B)   An equity call option holder receives cash in the amount by which the exercise price is greater than the strike price.

C)   Payoffs on futures options can be determined without knowing the spot price of the underlying commodity.

Correct answer is C)

When the holder exercises a futures option, he receives an underlying futures position. The cash payoff is the value the holder gains when that position is marked to market. Thus, the payoff is the difference between the exercise price and the futures contract price. Although it certainly influences the futures price, the spot price of the underlying commodity does not enter into the calculation of the payoff on the option.

The long position in an interest rate call option receives cash if the reference rate is greater than the strike rate, but does not receive it at expiration. The term of the reference rate (for example, 90-day LIBOR) determines the length of time after expiration when the cash changes hands. Options that pay at expiration pay the present value of the amount described. Determining the payoff on a stock index option requires the index level, the exercise price, and the contract multiplier. The strike price is another name for the exercise price.


Q3. The value of an interest-rate call option at expiration is zero or the:

A)   market rate minus the exercise rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.

B)   present value of, the market rate minus the exercise rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.

C)   exercise rate minus the market rate, adjusted for the period of the rate, times the principal amount.

Correct answer is B)

An interest rate call pays zero or the market rate at expiration minus the exercise rate. Since the payment is made at a date after expiration by the period of the reference rate, the value at expiration is the present value of this difference times the principal value.


Q4. An important difference between interest rate options and bond options is that:

A)   bond options must account for coupon payments.

B)   bond options have positive payoffs when rates increase, interest-rate options when rates decrease.

C)   the payoffs on interest-rate options are not made at option expiration.

Correct answer is C)

The payoff on an interest-rate option is made after expiration by the period of the reference interest rate, e.g. 90-day LIBOR or 180-day LIBOR. Bond option values go down when interest rates increase; interest rate option values go up when the underlying rate increases.

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作者: baobao521    时间: 2010-10-13 08:44     标题: 夏雨纷飞时,咏两地情缘


1   南方的五月一直在下雨,五月的南方一直是迷雾的季节。好想不带伞任性地行走这雨季,把我的思念淋漓尽致的洒向远方的天空,任由心里流淌着你的温情点点……   2   07年的那个夏天,你从网那端款款走来,酒窝里绽放着的笑容诱惑了我。于是,走近了你,温暖了我。   可你总说“姐,我怎么觉得是你酒窝里荡漾出来的甜蜜陶醉了我呀?”   呵呵,谁的酒窝盛放着谁的美丽又有什么所谓?把人装在心里,带上关爱和祝福上路,人生旅程从此便有了用真情描绘的一道道绚丽多彩的风景。   3   08年的那个冬天,你有了手机,想我的时候你会打来电话。连接着电波的两端,彼此毫顾忌天南地北的畅聊了起来隆鼻,时光尽在你呵呵声中忘了生活还需要面包来过日子。   第一个月底一查话费,那一串数字令你耳目心颤,不可置信大嚷了起来“怎么仅几个电话,就要了我平时一个月的零花钱?”   从此,电话不敢再常打。换一种方式,任手指穿梭数字键,轻敲打出来的文字,载满了你我与岁月凝聚的深情。   你快递过来的两只烧鸡,散发着只有你安徽乡村特有的香味,在我家餐桌上诱惑了一家人的口水隆鼻,这一顿成了我记忆里这些年来最美味的一次!   你从手机寄来的雪花,我把它放在我的天空飞舞,一朵朵美丽?生了两地情缘。这个冬季,属于我们的世界没有寒冷,只有思念的情丝飘向你我都成了可以偎依的棉袄,里里外外包裹着彼此的温暖。   当梅花漫烂时,你许诺“姐,待明年荷花盛开时,我来广东陪你去看海。”我把你的诺言抱在怀里隆鼻,面向漠北开始等待09的夏天到来。   4   09年,当夏天的味道弥漫了整个季节,我在阳光明媚的日子里,悄悄地来到荷花池边,看一只只蝴蝶飞来飞去,我在等待着你兑现来陪我看海的诺言。   一只蜻蜓绕过我的头顶,捎来远方的喜悦,小宝贝来到了人间!为了这个小宝贝,你吃了很多的苦,也放弃了自己的工作。   漫步园林小路,正醉听叶子的婆娑时,你托风儿把你的心语带到我耳边“姐,今年不能陪你去海全身脱毛,很抱歉!”   傻瓜,海水又不是会干涸的,今年去不成不是还有以后可以去吗?   我把梦收回心田,再次种植希望,浇上一把真情水,我相信心心相牵的我们,总有一天能手拉着手去看海。海的那边有我们放飞的纸船,承载着这些年来的相思,会在我们相见时天无涯,海无角。   这一年你经历了很多,从小宝贝的到来到你婆婆去世,你说“看着一个生,送着一个死,原来生死都只在那一瞬,不同的是一个睁开眼睛来到世界,一个是闭上眼睛消失在红尘。”   掂量着你这一句话,我把你放在心灵深处,不再把自己放在遥远处。同时,也开始小心翼翼的珍惜着身边的每一个人,希望自己能陪身边的人走远一点。   5   2010年,春暧花开时隆鼻,我告诉你再过半年我就可以出去工作,你开心如自己有工作,静静地陪我等待我可以重新走入社会的那一天。   这一年我身边发生了许多不愉快的事,我没有像以往一一汇报给你听,怕给忙碌的你添一份忧虑。学着坚强也学着为你着想,我知道自己慢慢走向成熟。   经历了一些事,我变得更沉默,甚至有时可以一整天只对着一本书,仿佛书中的文字可以为我疗伤,也可以为我展现一幅幅明天精彩的画面。   很多时候,我会在日记里涂涂写写,看着每一页只有自己才能看懂和读懂的文字,会傻傻地笑上大半天。合上厚厚的日记本,你的名字已经在里面丰富了我每一个字的感情。   6   这个5月,我和你姐夫商量着装修新房子的事,无意间让你知道了,你在漠北那端着急了。   “姐,知道你打算装修房子,如钱不够的话,你把你的账号告诉我,我打一万给你。”   “别担心,以你姐夫的人缘和有我身边亲朋好友的帮助,所有的问题将不会是问题”   “姐,别再拒绝我这一份心意。想起了你买房子时东借西借的为难,我就很后悔那时没有帮你一把,这次不想让你再次又为难!所以你有需要时,请你一定要告诉我!”   “好!一定!”心里默默祈祷彼此最好都不会有向别人借钱的那一天。如果真是这样,足于证明我们的生活都过得很好。   知道你的生活并不富裕,你的他一个人工作却要肩负起四个的生活,日子过得也不容易呀!为了我你毫不吝啬,这一份情天若怜我,我一定会用我的一生来相守而不悔!   7   窗外,还在淅淅沥沥下着雨,手机一早收到你的信息“姐,听说清远今天有暴雨,记得出门一定要带伞。别再让雨淋着,每次听到你说头痛,我都心痛。”   泪,骤时如雨水满脸爬行,远方的伊人,你让我感动!我却无以回报呀!   眺望远方,穿不透天际,有些朦胧,有些湿润,如是我想你的心情。   相思到浓时,宛如见到你的倩影,再次走近我的天空,舞动了这个季节的多情。   有人说真诚的心总会换来真诚的人,我相信这是真理!??你就是与我这一生真诚相拥的人!   2010-05-19

作者: leey52    时间: 2010-10-13 10:55

作者: heartfc    时间: 2010-10-29 01:01

作者: echopapa    时间: 2010-11-15 06:50

作者: seraphiris0116    时间: 2010-11-16 23:08

作者: hnzjbenson    时间: 2010-11-30 23:24


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