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标题: Reading 32: Mergers and Acquisitions LOS o~Q1-4 [打印本页]

作者: chenyu123    时间: 2009-3-3 16:48     标题: [2009] Session 9 -Reading 32: Mergers and Acquisitions LOS o~Q1-4


LOS o: Describe the empirical evidence related to the distribution of benefits in a merger.

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the distribution of the benefits from a merger are least accurate?

A)   Long-term performance following a merger transaction suggests that the acquiring firm is unable to capture the synergies expected prior to the merger.

B)   The winners curse implies that in a contested takeover, on average, the winning bidder overpays for the target.

C)   Short-term performance around the date of a merger suggests that target management suffers from reference dependence in attempting to extract value for shareholders.


Q2. Empirical evidence suggests that the majority of the benefits from a merger accrue to the target firm’s shareholders. What does this suggest about the outcome of a competitive bidding process, and what does this imply with regard to the payment strategy and bidding strategy for prospective acquirers? It suggests that the:

A)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

B)   target’s management is infected with pride, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

C)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be cash, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.


Q3. Based upon short-term stock performance around the merger date, academic studies concerning the distribution of the benefits suggest that:

A)   both parties usually gain value.

B)   the target usually loses value, but the acquirer usually gains value.

C)   the acquirer usually loses value, but the target usually gains value.


Q4. Based upon long-term stock performance following a merger, academic studies suggest that acquirers:

A)   moderately outperform their peers, with slightly more than half exceeding their group

.B)  moderately underperform their peers, with slightly more than half lagging their group.

C)   significantly underperform their peers, with more than 60% lagging their group.

作者: chenyu123    时间: 2009-3-3 16:51     标题: [2009] Session 9 -Reading 32: Mergers and Acquisitions LOS o~Q1-4



LOS o: Describe the empirical evidence related to the distribution of benefits in a merger. fficeffice" />

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the distribution of the benefits from a merger are least accurate?

A)   Long-term performance following a merger transaction suggests that the acquiring firm is unable to capture the synergies expected prior to the merger.

B)   The winners curse implies that in a contested takeover, on average, the winning bidder overpays for the target.

C)   Short-term performance around the date of a merger suggests that target management suffers from reference dependence in attempting to extract value for shareholders.

Correct answer is C)

Short-term performance around the date of a merger suggests that, on average, target shareholders benefit handsomely from the completion of a merger transaction. In fact, they appear to extract all of the benefits of the merger. Reference dependence is a behavioral finance term that does not appear to be applicable to target firm management in the case of mergers.


Q2. Empirical evidence suggests that the majority of the benefits from a merger accrue to the target firm’s shareholders. What does this suggest about the outcome of a competitive bidding process, and what does this imply with regard to the payment strategy and bidding strategy for prospective acquirers? It suggests that the:

A)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

B)   target’s management is infected with pride, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

C)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be cash, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

Correct answer is A)

If the values of the bids are, on average, correct, then the winner has, by definition, overpaid. This is the winner’s curse. Since the empirical evidence suggests that the process is risky for the bidder, the form of payment should be stock so that the risk is shared with the target’s shareholders. The bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the cost exceeds maximum fair value.


Q3. Based upon short-term stock performance around the merger date, academic studies concerning the distribution of the benefits suggest that:

A)   both parties usually gain value.

B)   the target usually loses value, but the acquirer usually gains value.

C)   the acquirer usually loses value, but the target usually gains value.

Correct answer is C)

Studies based upon short-term stock performance around the merger date suggest that the acquirer loses a small amount of value, while the target makes significant gains.


Q4. Based upon long-term stock performance following a merger, academic studies suggest that acquirers:

A)   moderately outperform their peers, with slightly more than half exceeding their group

.B)  moderately underperform their peers, with slightly more than half lagging their group.

C)   significantly underperform their peers, with more than 60% lagging their group.

Correct answer is C)

Based upon long-term (3-year) performance following a merger, academic studies suggest that acquirers significantly underperform their peers, with more than 60% performing worse than their peer group averages.


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以下是引用chenyu123在2009-3-3 16:48:00的发言:

LOS o: Describe the empirical evidence related to the distribution of benefits in a merger.

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the distribution of the benefits from a merger are least accurate?

A)   Long-term performance following a merger transaction suggests that the acquiring firm is unable to capture the synergies expected prior to the merger.

B)   The winners curse implies that in a contested takeover, on average, the winning bidder overpays for the target.

C)   Short-term performance around the date of a merger suggests that target management suffers from reference dependence in attempting to extract value for shareholders.


Q2. Empirical evidence suggests that the majority of the benefits from a merger accrue to the target firm’s shareholders. What does this suggest about the outcome of a competitive bidding process, and what does this imply with regard to the payment strategy and bidding strategy for prospective acquirers? It suggests that the:

A)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

B)   target’s management is infected with pride, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be stock, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.

C)   winner’s curse is real, that the preferred payment method in competitive bidding should be cash, and that the bidder should be prepared to withdraw if the probable cost exceeds the target’s pre-merger value plus estimated synergies.


Q3. Based upon short-term stock performance around the merger date, academic studies concerning the distribution of the benefits suggest that:

A)   both parties usually gain value.

B)   the target usually loses value, but the acquirer usually gains value.

C)   the acquirer usually loses value, but the target usually gains value.


Q4. Based upon long-term stock performance following a merger, academic studies suggest that acquirers:

A)   moderately outperform their peers, with slightly more than half exceeding their group

.B)  moderately underperform their peers, with slightly more than half lagging their group.

C)   significantly underperform their peers, with more than 60% lagging their group.

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            他和她第一次相见,是四年以前的一天,乍暖还寒时节,春风拂面。   他出门时,看到院内有两只小鸟在树枝上嘻戏,然后结伴飞向远处的高空。   后来,她对他说:那一天,你的眼神特奇怪,从我的头游走到脚,又从脚游走到头。   他说:我欣赏美的东西有这样固定的习惯。   他们是从冰冷的网络上认识的,而演绎出的爱情如火如荼,刻骨铭心。   他喜欢与她天南海北,不着边际地神侃,那风格如出一辙,就是他的一个备份。上海的整形美容医院就象是下棋,相同水平的对逸,可以兴致昂然,其乐融融,而水准差距较大的棋手对弈就索然寡味。他们就这样东扯西拉,废话连篇,每一句又都是适到好处,缺少不得。   他一边轻拂着她的长发,动作娴熟为她编织着辨子,一边在她耳边轻轻地说:“认识你之前的那些岁月好象都是虚度。”她说:“有了你是我一生中的大幸。”   上海第9人民医院在爱的狂热中的他们,体验着甜蜜、焦急、相思和缠绵,他们深深地眷恋着对方,心每分种都在为彼此燃烧。   爱她,总在幻想着快抱一束鲜红的玫瑰,那种血也似欲滴的鲜红,在一个特殊的日子里,在一个特殊的氛围里从她身边从天而降。给她一个措手不及的惊喜。   爱他,就是一遍又一遍地叮嘱,天凉了,上海第九人民医院多穿点衣服   爱她,就是反反复复地重复着一句落入俗套的话:我爱你   爱他,就是一千遍一万遍地叫他:你个猪。   爱她,就把她的照片分类收录,从他们认识开始的,放在电脑稳妥的地方,经常翻出来细细品味。   爱他,上海第九人民医院整形轻轻为他拉了衣服的拉链,系好围巾。   爱使他们俗气,电话里经常重复吃喝拉撒的事,小到微观,大到宇宙,无所不说。   爱,也使他们落入俗套,生出共同的、霸占的欲望,希望共有一张餐桌、同用一双筷子、轮饮一杯茶、同衾共枕。   他们在两地工作,不远也不近的空间注定了不能经常见面。短暂的相集之后,逃避不了长时间思念的煎熬。林黛玉聪颖睿智,她的办法是不聚,不聚就没有散。也就免了聚时热闹,散时冷清的尴尬情绪,而他和她都已习惯于踏踏长长的寂寞,独自一人去相聚,最后又踏上长长的寂寞,上海第九人民医院整形外科独自一人离开。   那天,他送她到车站,一路说着,不象是送别,倒象是一同赶集。不知不觉就到了车站,“这就走了啊?”那一刻,他这才意识到坐在他电动车后面的爱人马上就要离他而去,巨大的落寞立即袭上心头。他说:送别你时要是在一条无人的街就好,那样每次就可以吻别。

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