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标题: Reading 63: Swap Markets and Contracts Los f~Q1-6 [打印本页]

作者: youzizhang    时间: 2009-4-2 09:50     标题: [2009]Session17-Reading 63: Swap Markets and Contracts Los f~Q1-6


LOS f: Explain and interpret the characteristics and uses of swaptions, including the difference between payer and receiver swaptions.

Q1. A payer swaption gives its holder:

A) an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.

B) the right to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

C) the right to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.


Q2. The writer of a receiver swaption has:

A)   the right to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

B)   an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

C)   an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.


Q3. Mark Roberts anticipates utilizing a floating rate line of credit in 90 days to purchase $10 million of raw materials. To get protection against any increase in the expected London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) yield curve, Roberts should:

A)   buy a receiver swaption.

B)   buy a payer swaption.

C)   write a receiver swaption.


Q4. An investor who anticipates the need to exit a pay-fixed interest rate swap prior to expiration might:

A)   buy a payer swaption.

B)   buy a receiver swaption.

C)   sell a payer swaption.


Q5. Which of the following statements regarding swaptions is FALSE? A swaption is often used to:

A)   hedge the rate on an anticipated swap transaction.

B)   create a synthetic bond position.

C)   provide the right to terminate a swap.


Q6. Which of the following is least likely to be a use of a swaption?

A)   Hedging the risk of a current fixed-rate commitment.

B)   Exiting an offsetting swap at the exercise date.

C)   Hedging the risk of an anticipated floating-rate obligation.

作者: youzizhang    时间: 2009-4-2 09:51     标题: [2009]Session17-Reading 63: Swap Markets and Contracts Los f~Q1-6


LOS f: Explain and interpret the characteristics and uses of swaptions, including the difference between payer and receiver swaptions. fficeffice" />

Q1. A payer swaption gives its holder:

A) an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.

B) the right to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

C) the right to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.

Correct answer is C)

A payer swaption give its holder the right to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.


Q2. The writer of a receiver swaption has:

A)   the right to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

B)   an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the floating-rate payer.

C)   an obligation to enter a swap in the future as the fixed-rate payer.

Correct answer is C)

A receiver swaption gives its owner the right to receive fixed, the writer has an obligation to pay fixed.


Q3. Mark Roberts anticipates utilizing a floating rate line of credit in 90 days to purchase $10 million of raw materials. To get protection against any increase in the expected London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) yield curve, Roberts should:

A)   buy a receiver swaption.

B)   buy a payer swaption.

C)   write a receiver swaption.

Correct answer is B)

A payer swaption will give Roberts the right to pay a fixed rate below market if rates rise.


Q4. An investor who anticipates the need to exit a pay-fixed interest rate swap prior to expiration might:

A)   buy a payer swaption.

B)   buy a receiver swaption.

C)   sell a payer swaption.

Correct answer is B)

A receiver swaption will, if exercised, provide a fixed payment to offset the investor’s fixed obligation, and allow him to pay floating rates if they decrease.


Q5. Which of the following statements regarding swaptions is FALSE? A swaption is often used to:

A)   hedge the rate on an anticipated swap transaction.

B)   create a synthetic bond position.

C)   provide the right to terminate a swap.

Correct answer is B)       

A swaption is like an option on a bond with payments equal to the fixed payments on the swap. The others are common uses of swaps.


Q6. Which of the following is least likely to be a use of a swaption?

A)   Hedging the risk of a current fixed-rate commitment.

B)   Exiting an offsetting swap at the exercise date.

C)   Hedging the risk of an anticipated floating-rate obligation.

Correct answer is A)

Swaptions will not be a good hedge for a current obligation since the swaption is for a swap in the future.

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