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[CFA Level 2] 请问二级NOTE 153页的一个问题

各位高人,我对This makes sense because SEE measures the variability of the data about the regression line, and the more variable the data, the less confidence there is in the regressin model to edtimate a coefficent.这句话不是太理解,当the variability of the data 大时,SEE也就高,SEE高了,就意味着confidence interval widens. When confidence interval widens, why shouldnot there is more confidence in the regression model .(我想问的是,置信期间越大, 可信度是不是就越高)

原文来自于The standard error of the regression coefficient is denoted as sb1 . It is a function of the SEE: as SEE rises, sb1 also increases, and the confidence interval widens. This makes sense because SEE measures the variability of the data about the regression line, and the more variable the data, the less confidence there is in the regressin model to estimate a coefficent.(见NOTES 1 第153页)


