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为什么没有收到CFA Program Registration Confirmation


CFA Institute has received your order. Please see the details below. We suggest
printing this order confirmation email for your records or to use as a receipt.

Date/Time of Purchase (Eastern Time): 9/23/2008 9:46:50 AM
Order number:
Order Status: In Progress
Amount paid: $990.00


1Level I CFA Examination Registration$380.00
1CFA Program Enrollment June 2009$390.00
1Level I Curriculum June 2009$220.00
Sales Tax$0.00
CFA Program curriculum is valued for Customs and import purposes only. These personal educational materials are not for sale or resale.

Payment Method:  Credit Card
Payment Type:  Visa
Credit Card:  
Credit Card Number:  x
Transaction Amount:  $990.00
Transaction ID:  
