上一主题:cfa notes 2011年的与2010年的差别大吗?要重新买吗?
下一主题:问个白目问题。。 一级6月份的材料能用来准备12月的考试么
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ana12345 Wrote:

> i think i need to reevaluate my position now, and
> i feel like does the CFA levels have any
> weight????

In my mind the CFA accreditation is sought after primarily in conjunction with relevant experience as it enhances that particular experience. You may pursue it on its own but that way it's probably considerably less marketable...


上一主题:cfa notes 2011年的与2010年的差别大吗?要重新买吗?
下一主题:问个白目问题。。 一级6月份的材料能用来准备12月的考试么