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I used strictly Schweser for Level 1 and passed on first attempt.
I used strictly Schweser for Level 2, did about 1800 Qbank questions, 6 full schweser mocks and a cfai mock and ended up with a band 5.   I studied for 6 months, and did well over “300 hours”, but they were apparently not the right kind of hours.  Practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect. I did not do anything in CFAI text, which in my case appears to be a huge mistake.  I spent too much time memorizing facts and formulas versus actually putting a pencil to paper and working practice problems.  IMO Qbank will prepare you for the easy questions, but not the more challenging ones.  For 2014, I will be focusing on working a ton of CFAI Blue Boxes and EOC, only referring to Schweser or the text when I am stuck.  All the reading I did was useless as I retained very little.
Side note: the note cards I purchased from Schweser aren’t worth a god damn.  Foolish purchase.
I work as a financial advisor at a brokerage.  My experience is more in financial planning.

