上一主题:Level II - Scoresheet question
下一主题:One final bit of advice
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yep, live here since 8 years…long story..started in Industrial Automation Industry (I am a software/electrical engineering   engineer as base)…then moved onto banking. Have loads of contacts down here if you need a job ;) Would recommend Z


i would be giving cfa l1 in december 2013,as i have cleared 2 levels of frm i would just read through uncomman portions like fra/equity/economics and it should take approx 50 hours ….then i will practice scheweser question bank pro daily giving mock exams……and i think this should be enough!!!!!
how much to study is a very subjective question but some one with no exposure to finance should atleast study for 200 hrs and then practice mock exams/question bank as much as they can……


上一主题:Level II - Scoresheet question
下一主题:One final bit of advice