上一主题:Becoming a PM
下一主题:AICPA/CIMA Convergence
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florinpop Wrote:
> majority of positions I see these days, even entry
> level require the CFA designation - Hell I saw the
> other day an Investment admin ( more like fund
> accountant) at Sprott that had CFA preferred

thats because the HR people who write the descriptions have NO IDEA what it takes to get some of these credentials or what the role actually needs. they think its just taking a few classes and then a simple "test" at the end

i cant tell you how many times i was asked if i knew how to use "pivot tables" by recruiter when i first started interviewing.

im in ER now and i STILL dont know how to use them and im doing juuuuust fine!


上一主题:Becoming a PM
下一主题:AICPA/CIMA Convergence