上一主题:Different Exams?
下一主题:Options - Hedged Portfolio
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krazykanuck Wrote:
> spreads Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Start with the
> > topic you're most interested in and once you
> get
> > in a groove the pages will turn on their own.
> I 100% agree.
> Personally, I totally skipped quant and came back
> to it in May because I was not at all interested
> in probabilities, distributions, and all the rest
> of that crap. I started with the economics book
> and went all the way through to derivatives and
> came back to quant and ethics. At the end of the
> day I didn't even really study the quant section
> because I had zero interest in it, lol. I'm going
> to laugh so hard if it turns out I did well on
> that section.

If you manage to get to level 2, you will be crying because you didn't spend time on Quant.

Basically, level 1 quant feeds into all 3 levels.


上一主题:Different Exams?
下一主题:Options - Hedged Portfolio