上一主题:Level II - Scoresheet question
下一主题:One final bit of advice
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Just under 200 hours (somewhere between 190 and 199) for level 1.
I just write down my starting time on a piece of paper and when i stop studying to go pee or do something else I write the stopping time. Main reason to monitor it, as someone else also remarked, to keep myself accountable. Instead of thinking “I did a lot this week” I had the actual numbers and in many cases I always thought i had done more than I actually did.
Study method: read schweser and make notes. Then go to QBank and do problems. Right before the exam I just went over the notes and formulas till i couldnt see them anymore.
Btw, level 2 took me about 240 hours and level 3 about 300 hours (level 3 took so much time because I had the schweser videos which take forever to watch).


上一主题:Level II - Scoresheet question
下一主题:One final bit of advice