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What you you have thought about this altered fact pattern:
Martin returned to the office, checked a couple of online sources, and then placed an order to purchase Datagen FOR HIS OWN ACCOUNT.
..and answer stem A was, “not committed a violation”?
devildog Wrote:
> the info is not inside info. The fact that they
> both use the company is not MIO. The pertinent
> info was the rumor about the buy recommendation.
> Key word…RUMOR. Then all they say is he checked
> a couple of online sources and the next key word
> is ALL. He bought in ALL his discretionary
> portfolio. They try to distract you with the fact
> that the purchase worked out. Remember no
> investment is right for every portfolio.
> Now if it had said he went back to his office and
> thoroughly researched it online and then bought it
> for every portfolio for whom it was appropriate
> there would be no violation

