上一主题:Covered Call, Protective Put
下一主题:Lock up Period- Hedge funds
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Agree with everything thats being said. I took it 2nd time as well this year and though not a 100% sure on whats going to be the outcome, I definitley feel more knowledgable and confident of my underdstanding of the concepts, to the point where I can have a decent argument on many of the topics covered.

I had also changed my approach to the exam where I tried to apply a lot of the concepts to the company I work for i.e. accruals ratio, earnings quality, dupont analysis, valuation, relationship between interest rates, currencies and inflation - and this increased my curiosity a great deal, to the point where studying for the exam was enjoyable (barring the last week). The first time I took the exam I was scared of derivatives, and I found derivatives to be one of my strengths on this exam - 360!

So definitely taking the exam 2nd time helps a lot in reinforcing these concepts to long term memory


上一主题:Covered Call, Protective Put
下一主题:Lock up Period- Hedge funds