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I went to his workshop in 2009 - got > 70% on FRA. 2010 - I was financially strapped - did not go to the live class - but was able to call him and clear doubts etc. since y-o-y material change was not too big - the 2009 stuff was good. I ended up with > 70% in 2010 as well.

I recommend him without any reservations whatsoever. 2 days to cover all the material end to end in FRA - then to have his support thro' when u are learning the material is an unbelievable bit of good fortune I would say. He is a practitioner, but able to explain the concepts so clearly, you can follow what is happening there after.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 05:55PM by cpk123.

