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[CFA模拟真题] 2006 CFA Level I -NO69

9Establishing policies and procedures with respect to portfolio diversification is a compliance procedure relating most directly to the CFA Institute Standard of Professional Conduct about:

Select exactly 1 answers from the following:
A. duty to clients.
B. duty to employers.
C. integrity of capital markets.
D. investment analysis, recommendations and actions.
Feedback: Correct answer: A


Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005), pp. 56

2006 Level I Program Readings, uidance?for Standards I-VII, Standards of Practice Handbook, 9th edition (CFA Institute, 2005), pp. 59

2006 Modular Level I, Vol. I, pp. 65

Study Session 1?

demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Standards of Professional Conduct by recognizing and applying the standards to specific situations


Members who are investment managers should address the topic of diversification when drafting policies and procedures statements or manuals regarding duties to clients.
