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[CFA level 1模拟真题]Version 1 Questions-Q8

Q8. Winnie Wong anti William Leung are enrolled to take the Level I CTA examination. Wong and Leung jointly purchased study materials from a well-know CFA review program. Wong made a photocopy of the copyrighted materials and gave the copied materials to Leung. Wong studied from the original materials. Did Wong and Leung, respectively, violate the CFA Institute Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct?

Wong                 Lung

A.          NO                   NO

B.          NO                   YES

C.          YES                   NO

D.          YES                   YES



Q8   D      Study Session 1-2.a

Photocopying copyrighted material is a violation of law. Candidates and members must comply with laws and must not knowingly participate or assist-in a violation of laws.
