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I would suggest that you take the chace to do the postgraduate courses. it may be a good choice for you to do the courses since they are good as you said. Meanwhile, you can still do the CFA exams  while you are doing postgraduate.

I think you should have plenty of time to prepare for CFA exams becuase it will not be so difficult to purse a ostgraduate degree in China. I mean the postgarduate program designed in China is not so effective, you may finish it in 2 years or even less. Thus you should have enough time to prepare for the CFA exams. 

By the way, I got postgraduate degree in 1998. I don't know whether the design of the postgraduate program has changed or not so far?


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-17 7:38:21编辑过]


I am sure that this qualification will greatly benefit you in the future.  I mean the reward is huge compared to your investments in the studies. Good luck.[em12][em12][em12]


By the way, you can download the txt books in this website. They will save you some money. those are the books that you must read for CFA exams, especially for level 1. I would very appreciate those people who are so kind to post them here.  


