上一主题:Reading 27: Excess Earnings Method
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The correct answer is d) Fox is actually the one who made Gordon do the trade and buy BlueStar because Fox’s dad works for BlueStar and Fox wants to run BlueStar, so he convinces his dad to get the BlueStar union on board to do a deal with Gordon, but then Fox realizes that all Gordon wants to do is liquidate the company to cash out the overfunded pension, and then Fox feels really guilty esp because his dad has a heart attack from all the stress so he dumps Darien because she won’t go along with Fox’s plan to get back at Gordon and then Fox runs a really crazy scheme to drive down BlueStar and trick Gordon into selling his controlling shares and Fox saves BlueStar and feels awesome for about 12 hours but then the next day he goes to jail.
It was c.


上一主题:Reading 27: Excess Earnings Method
下一主题:Which reading/study session is poorly covered in schweser