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作为拥有百年历史的全球性会计职业团体,ACCA以其有效的管理制度、先进的职业理念、 完善的人才培养规划和教育方法,为推动会计职业不断向前发展,为会计职业更好地服务于经济发展和社会进步,作出了重要贡献,在会计职业发展史上写下了重要一笔。在经济全球化趋势加速发展的今天,世界各国的经济交流与合作日益紧密,会计国际化成为时代的必然。展望未来,会计职业的发展仍然任重道远,仍然需要包括ACCA在内的会计职业组织在推进会计职业发展中发挥新的更大的作用。


ACCA plays a leading and important role in the accounting profession. It enhances the communication between east and west. During its past decade, ACCA has developed rapidly in Mainland China with over 11,000 students and members. I wish ACCA better development in China for the future.

——杨马佩华 ,上海奥美广告有限公司财务总监

I believe consistency in quality across boundaries and continuing innovation and development is a core value of ACCA. It is also the reason why ACCA keeps its leading status in professional accountancy body. This core value always strives me to keep innovating and helps me to obtain the success in my work.


ACCA, as the professional association, develops lifelong relationships with its members. It helps us to think strategically and look positively in the competitive marketplace nowadays.

——郑喜明 ,瑞安地产有限公司总经理 — 项目发展

ACCA provides opportunity to everyone who intended to take up the profession and provides them with an opportunity to prove their fitness and experience by examination. I wish its continued success in accounting profession.

Professionalism, creativity and internationalism are the greatest traits of ACCA. ACCA has been on the leading edge in the training and innovation of the accounting profession for over one century.


The foundation of the Association is built upon principles of high professional and ethical standards. While many similar professional bodies have pride themselves in maintaining exclusivity in its membership selection, our Association has adopted a progressive philosophy to reached out to thousands across the world through its flexible entry requirements thereby creating a culturally rich and truly Global body of professionals playing major roles in all facets of the World economy.

On the local scene, China’s 1.3 billion market and its cost competitiveness have attracted most global multinationals to have a stake here. With its entry into WTO, the domestic industry are also driving towards World standards in all of its operations and activities. These have created a huge need for Internationally qualified Finance professionals. This is where the Association is uniquely placed to play a direct role, both in the development of the local economy as well as train local talents.

I am proud to be considered a fellow member.














