Albaba,I can't agree more with your comment regarding accumulating work experience is probably better way to learn about finance.That's what I have witnessed here in North America.Many of my classmates or professors start their career as trader or back office staff but through specific transaction and learning,they gradually moved up to sell side and buy side up to their own wealth management companies. To be honest,I am not sure how many people in the world are engaged in investment profession ( I would bet probably over 10M?) Look at how many CFA chartholders are out there? Less than 90K. I don't think CFAI has as much of influence as Ponzi scheme.
By the way,there is only this Ph.D Candidate being sent home for some personal reason,and why the hell you want to amplify this very individual matter?
If we Chinese want to play the game against our western rivals,we gotta understand the rules they formulated. This is after all a profession that is highly developed in western world,instead of China.If you want to compete against them,my view is,believe it or not,we have zero possibility of winning,at least for now.
Hey,be patient! |