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There is absolutely no way the MPS is a 67. You can’t base the MPS off of what you see on AF. There is also no way the top 1% scored a 94. Someone spent a lot of time analyzing L3 results from AFers a few years ago. Using various approaches to the 40/60/80 rule they found the MPS to be in the 62-63 range. I have no doubt it will be much different this year.


Also, 59/60 in the PM for 1% of the candidate population!?? You’ve lost it man. The most prepared candidates on AF were scoring 50-55/60 for the 13 mock and that was really high compared to us mere mortals.


trying to predict MPS and your own score is hopeless and a waste of time.
forget about the exam - it is over. you will never know your exact score or the MPS, so stop with the nonsense


The MPS should be 0.1% lower than my actual score.


Am I the only one that vowed not to come on AF after the exam until August, yet has been logging in 2-3 times a day since the exam… lol


Haha, me too.
I miss the countdown on top.


what about me?


I would guess between 63 to 67. Mid of 60s.


Would you rather have more cases worth less minutes or vice versa?  I think looking at the table of contents and seeing 15 cases can put one into a hurry-up mode and may be counterproductive.  But there may also be a benefit to having more 3 point questions asked as opposed to everything being worth 9-12 points.


Is there some estimate of the relationship between  MPS  and the pass rate available?
i.e. if we have 62% MPS , what percentage of candidates get through?
Is there also some manipulation of the percentage  of passes ?
Is percentage dominant and MPS determined by the percentage of passes?

