以下是引用batigoal在2009-6-8 13:05:00的发言: 糊涂了。
from wiki:
Economies of scope are conceptually similar to economies of scale. Whereas economies of scale primarily refer to efficiencies associated with supply-side changes, such as increasing or decreasing the scale of production economies of scope refer to efficiencies primarily associated with demand-side changes, such as increasing or decreasing the scope of marketing and distribution, of different types of products.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-8 13:08:29编辑过]
我觉得Economies of scope 是对的,因为合并后两个牌子的啤酒都可以打入对方的市场了,扩大了整个市场,而且还可能有一些其他的synergy。而learn curve,刚合并后肯定造成一开始效率的缓慢的啊,所以是negative的,我是这么想的 |