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5. 3个economics schools的,也没大搞清楚。。


我选的是Classical school


因为另外两个认为工资有downward sticky.所以会使经济周期波动的更大一些


以下是引用wfsm在2009-6-8 22:19:00的发言:


我选的是Classical school


因为另外两个认为工资有downward sticky.所以会使经济周期波动的更大一些

我也有个要选Classical school的题.


以下是引用alpswolf在2009-6-8 22:26:00的发言:

我也有个要选Classical school的题.

Because monetarists believe that markets are stable and work well, they believe that the economy is always near or quickly approaching full employment. Even if the economy is not at full employment, the danger of GDP deviating substantially from its potential level is small. So in the long-run, the economy will be at PY (Nominal GDP)


以下是引用leekeewen在2009-6-8 22:34:00的发言:

Because monetarists believe that markets are stable and work well, they believe that the economy is always near or quickly approaching full employment. Even if the economy is not at full employment, the danger of GDP deviating substantially from its potential level is small. So in the long-run, the economy will be at PY (Nominal GDP)

I have forgot what this question is about.
If I do not misunderstand, GDP does not deviate from its potential level at all in the view of the classic school.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-8 23:17:50编辑过]


印象中有一題是考 long term phillips curve


還有一題 有個 FRA  3X6 然後有一張 30~180 天 libor 的表


一題 270天 那個 yield is greatest: bank discount yield , money market yield , HPY  


一題 用 straight line 和 DD 折舊 , 問deferred liability 多少


一題 那一個造成 CPI upward bias : new good , quality


一題 5 factor dupon , 那一個不是roe 改變的原因


一題送分題 9600 pv , 10000 fv , c =4 , i= 5.48 ,n=3,問 reinvestment income

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-9 0:07:45编辑过]


以下是引用birdybirdy在2009-6-8 23:15:00的发言:

印象中有一題是考 long term phillips curve


還有一題 有個quote 是 3X6

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-8 23:15:51编辑过]

我也记得有这么两题. long term phillips curve那题好像没啥trick.

3X6是下午的题, 一下子给出了60天, 90天等好几个libor, 呵呵.

还有题算prefered stock 的post-tax cost, 还给了tax rate,来等人上当的.

有题存4000, 后来取50, 要求保持investment value, 按safety-first rule来选portfolio的. 还给了risk-free rate.

"一題 270天 那個 yield is greatest: bank discount yield , money market yield , HPY  ", 我选的money market yield


"一題 用 straight line 和 DD 折舊 , 問deferred liability 多少", 这个好像是算第二年的,要加上第一年的DTL.



"一題 5 factor dupon , 那一個不是roe 改變的原因", 印象中我好像选了nonoperating effect,记不清了.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-9 0:23:25编辑过]


早上的題目很多與 mock exam ,sample exam 類似; 下午 難許多,聽到後面的人邊寫邊嘆氣.....


以下是引用alpswolf在2009-6-8 23:28:00的发言:

我也记得有这么两题. long term phillips curve那题好像没啥trick.

3X6是下午的题, 一下子给出了60天, 90天等好几个libor, 呵呵.

还有题算prefered stock 的post-tax cost, 还给了tax rate,来等人上当的.

有题存4000, 后来取50, 要求保持investment value, 按safety-first rule来选portfolio的. 还给了risk-free rate.

"一題 270天 那個 yield is greatest: bank discount yield , money market yield , HPY  ", 我选的money market yield


"一題 用 straight line 和 DD 折舊 , 問deferred liability 多少", 这个好像是算第二年的,要加上第一年的DTL.



"一題 5 factor dupon , 那一個不是roe 改變的原因", 印象中我好像选了nonoperating effect,记不清了.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-9 0:23:25编辑过]

I chose bank discount yield as the greatest number. However I am not sure.


以下是引用baldmice在2009-6-9 5:11:00的发言:

I chose bank discount yield as the greatest number. However I am not sure.

这个是money market 一个推倒公式

MM = (face - purchase)/purchase * (360/number of days )
HPRR = face/purchase - 1
bank discount = (face - purchase)/face * (360/number of days )


以下是引用charlescfau在2009-6-8 0:37:00的发言:



lognormal那个是问的least likely correct还是most likely啊?

positive skewed和bounded below by zero应该都是对的,那就是least likely了吧?


我觉得下午quant里面那道Lognormal dist的题挺tricky,它说bounded below by zero,是指lower bound是零,还是指全部分布在零一下啊?如果是后者的话,正确的说法应该是bounded above by zero吧?

