以下是引用buzz在2010-6-7 8:08:00的发言: 中国考 1. gips advertisement: 我选了不能annualized return 2. PE compsite: which violate GIPS? 我选了direct equity in shopping center? 3. cash market buy British corporate bonds forward market sell government bonds? 题中问如果预测正确最有可能的情况:我选了gain from spread narrowing but eliminate profit from currency appreciation. 不过是不是该选C less currency risk than buy and sell in cash market? 4. 一题问说三个月前short一个zero coupon bond forward (六个月的)。当时bond market value=10,000,000 forward price=11,000,000. current spot price is 9,000,000.问是current exposure of 1,100,000 or potential risk of 1,000,000? 我选了curren
还有一题问的Real estate哪个violate?
我选了commercial loan |