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以下是引用uareme在2008-6-10 23:13:00的发言:

monopolistic competition---price searcher, yes

perfect competition---price taker, no

BearBee, may i know wt the questions is asking about ?


mmm... for monopolistic competition

short run - possible economic profits

long run - new firms enter -> zero economic profits

so it depends whether it was asking abt the long run or the short run

i remember that i picked "no" to both ie. it could be asking abt the long run impact

does anyone remember?


以下是引用ray168168在2008-6-11 2:11:00的发言:

mmm... for monopolistic competition

short run - possible economic profits

long run - new firms enter -> zero economic profits

so it depends whether it was asking abt the long run or the short run

i remember that i picked "no" to both ie. it could be asking abt the long run impact

does anyone remember?

it asks if  the companies have "any" power, no matter it's short/long run, in monopolistic market, there are price-searchers with differential products, the companies got to find the right prices for their products.therefore, they have power to determine their products' prices.



这两种竞争环境下 哪种企业对价格有一定的控制力


以下是引用ray168168在2008-6-11 2:02:00的发言:

there was another question about leasing instead of buying the planes.

what would be the benefits of doing so?

1. enjoying a lower tax bracket
2. because they gonna continue leasing the planes for a long time

(cant remember the other 2 choices.)

i picked "enjoying a lower tax bracket" cos leasing = more expenses = low incomes & lower tax.

did anyone have a different answer?

I had the same answer[em05]

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-11 8:51:22编辑过]


pls delete this post

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-11 9:11:49编辑过]


which of the following is not included in f/s:
choices: statement of changes in equity, statement of change in income, footnotes w/ disclosure of accounting policies
ans: statement of change in income



ray168168, 请不要引我的留言




 大家能不能具体讨论一下题目啊? 谁有叫不准的,大家一起研究一下哦.


monopolistic competition---price searcher, yes

perfect competition---price taker, no

我觉得有问题吧,monopolistic competition 个人认为是PRICE TAKER, 因为由于对替代品的需求最终使得价格=ATC上,所以应该是PRICE TAKER, 他只能控制产量在价格=ATC这个点上

perfect competition 这个肯定是PRICE TAKER, 因为市场的宏观供求决定了最终的价格,而不是对单一公司本身的供求.


1:Husband/wife... both working in finance jobs. They routinely discuss possilibility of clients entering mergers, etc.
Has they violated Standard of confidentiality(Yes/No) and Standard of Material non-public information(Yes/No)?

我的答案是YES, NO, 因为没有操作。。。


Which of the following is not one of the eight major section on GIPS standards?
choices: Hedge Fund, Private equity, mutual fund

这个好像不是 NOT ONE OF 吧,应该是ONE OF 吧?  答案很清楚。

3:Questions on content in fundmanetals of compliance?

A firm is existed for 12 years, accrording to GIPS, the firm need minimum compliance records:

choices: .3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 12 years


4:Which of the following is likely to violated Market Manipiulation for buying and immediately selling to have tax benefit(Yes/No) and using Legitimate trading strategy to exploit market inefficiency(Yes/No)

我选的是NO ,YES

5:A member put CFA logo on his individual letterhead or business card. In order to prevent CFA is incorporated into company name, he doesn't place in such close proximity to a company name and put at the bottom of the card. Has he violated Standard VII(B) for his individual letterhead or business card? (Yes/No)

这道我肯定错了不过国外的论坛讨论也有争议,不过集中在YES YES 和 NO NO 上

6:"The CFA program helped to enhance my portfolio skills" violates Standard of misrepresentation(Yes/No)and standard VII(B) (Yes/No)? Ans: No, No (同意)


