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- Ethics
- Defined benefit pension plans
- Inventory accounting
- Options/Derivatives
- Corporate Finance
- Valuation


Top 3 from L2
1. Ethics (unbeatable, the all-time king of boredom)
2. Corporate governance in corp.fin.
3. Reading on hedge funds - poorly structured and presented accordingly. Honestly, attempted it 4 times, could not break through any of them. The last 10 pages of the chapter are emblematic of how not to present material.


For me GIPS was not boring than Economics. The key was that I didnt have to understand anything in GIPS, just practise a few questions thats it..
But with Economics I got to bl..dy understand the stuff and as such I was (still am) bad at it And the conflicting views of different economists didnt help either
As with Ethics, CFAI has got it completely wrong with the way they have tried to test ethics. I find no value add in testing people giving convoluted scenarios and check whether it was required or recommended by code of ethics
Note: Pls dont get me wrong; I am not blaming CFAI here, I chose to write their exam and its their exam. They are free to test me and you the way they want


GIPS without a doubt!!


I dunno, those z tables get kinda exciting right around 1.96. A real page turner…


Those Z,T-tables in stats…. castration is a joke compared to those.


Anyone who enjoys reading those ethics examples should be locked up in an institution immediately.


I just took Level 1 this past June, and I think Econ was the most boring for me as well.  I’m not saying that it’s not useful or irrelevant, but the subject matter just didn’t excite me.  I found accounting and corporate finance to be very interesting though!


Any EOC questions not in test format. Which is pretty much most of them. Just could not do them.


Unlike investing…


上一主题:synthetic stock index fund
下一主题:If you failed.. How do you feel and what are you going to do