上一主题:Should I really have failed L2 (band 10)?
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I too, think it was helpful trimonious2! Thanks for the tips, and good luck for August 7th!
As for the translation back into one’s first language, I think that getting a good grasp of the materials for level 1 and 2 implied to think in English rather than to try and translate 7 kilos worth of words (my experience as French is my 1st language) which is a tedious exercise…


trimonious2 Thank you very much for sharing, the best for Aug 7!.


I would like to extend a piece of advice that  Trimonious touched on…the material appears to be much easier than level II, but don’t get overconfident.  As he stated you’re expected to know it much more thoroughly.  Also while each LOS may be easier…they don’t dovetail together as nicely as L2….so that the end of the readings you have many more unrelated areas to know.    You’ll start realizing this when you start the practice tests…so if you start practice tests early enough (2 months should be more than sufficient) you’ll have time to adjust as necessary.  If you start feeling like the material is easy just remember….the L3 pass rate is generally around 50%.  And that’s 50% of a group that has proven to be motivated, intelligent, and have good study habits.


LMAO….ua_bender “…since it affects the writing of the AM session a lot via mental translation of English content into the first language and backwards…”


I’m a level III candidate awaiting for results. I think trimonious2 did a wonderful job on formulating the strategy to tackle L3. I wish I had seen this great post a year ago. Thanks. Fingers crossed for you and myself!


Thanks Trim,
Im a level 3 failer and found this to be a great post.
Thanks US_Bender for providng me with a great belly laugh whether intentionally or unintentionally. I’m still trying to work through the mental  translation of your post into English and backwards.  Maybe it started backwards and then went to English?  In any case.  GLORY BE TO GOD!


haha ua_bender getting lots of hate here!


Thank you trimonious2. That was very well explained.
Ignore ua_b.


Thank you for taking the time to write your this Trimonious.  It is very helpful to read detailed advice like this early on and I have bookmarked it to look back on during my studies.


excellent post fine sir!!


上一主题:Should I really have failed L2 (band 10)?
下一主题:Anyway to Sign up without a Current Passport?